Customer Appreciation

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Customer Appreciation Pics  

Below I shift the creative focus to my customers. I love to see all the neat things they do with my products :)

All these amazing Wild Kratt party pics are courtesy of creative customer Michelle from IL!!

Power Rangers Samurai M&M mini Candy Wrappers from Zaf & Dean in Australia

Power Ranger Samurai Candy Bars from Zaf & Dean E. in Australia

Power Ranger Samurai Candy Bars (back) from Zaf & Dean E. in Australia

Power Ranger Samurai Candy Bars for every ranger from Zaf & Dean E. in Australia

Power Ranger Samurai Invite and Address Label from Zaf & Dean E. in Australia

Power Ranger Samurai Address Label from Zaf & Dean E. in Australia

Kristine K from Georgia

Kristine K from Georgia
Susan W. from Mississippi
Tara M. from Texas

Britney M. from Arkansas


  1. Wow, I am so glad that your Customer Appreciation event was so successful. I am so thankful to you for sharing these details and photos here. Anyways, I would also be attending the employee appreciation event of our company and it will be organized at the best corporate event venues San Francisco. So excited!
